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A Mobile Service
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Who can’t appreciate the level of convenience that a transponder key has to offer. When you drive an older make or model of automobile, you likely do not use a transponder key. However, if you drive a newer model of vehicle then it is highly likely that you are using a transponder key. If you don’t
already know what a transponder key
is, it is a key that enables you to
stand wherever you are and operate certain
features of your vehicle, such as turning
on your engine. You can even unlock
the doors of your vehicle without putting
a key in the door. Since this type of
key is a mechanical device it is susceptible
to mechanical issues from time to time.
Your transponder key has a chip in it. The chip is programmed to a central computer, which identifies the chip as belonging to your vehicle. If you lose the chip then you’ll need another one and it will have to be reprogrammed. The great part about using a transponder key is that the chip is specifically unique to your vehicle. This means that it is more difficult to steal. Auto theft has decreased since the invention of the transponder key. Since the key offers such convenience and is a great way to prevent auto theft.
When you start having problems starting your vehicle or a problem with unlocking the door, it points to a problem with your transponder key. A locksmith will be able to help you resolve the problem. It is usually a pretty easy fix. All that is required is for the transponder key to be reprogrammed. Contact a local locksmith and make sure you mention that you are using a transponder key. If they don’t know what type of key you are using, they may not have the right equipment to reprogram your key when they arrive. Unfortunately, not every locksmith is able to provide you with the help that you need because they lack the equipment needed. A locksmith that wants your business will invest in the equipment that is used for transponder key programming. Since many of today’s vehicles are designed to operate with the use of a transponder key, the equipment likely pays for itself with just a few service requests. It’s important to let the locksmith know that you have a car that uses a transponder key if you want efficient servicing. They will be able to get you back on the road sooner than later if they know that you have a transponder key.
Another problem that we often have to address is lost key chips. When this tiny chip is lost it needs to be replaced and reprogrammed. The problem is that in many cases, the chip is mistaken for a battery. The owner will go and buy a new battery instead of a new chip. Motorists make this mistake all the time and unfortunately, they don’t realize what the chip is until they have already purchased a new battery. Now that you know the problem that you are experiencing is due to a chip and not the battery, give our locksmiths a call and allow them to bring you a new chip to place in your phone. Don’t call an auto dealership to do this for you because they will likely charge you an arm-and-a-leg just to replace the chip and reprogram it for you. Also consider the amount of money you are wasting by having your vehicle towed to the dealership. It is rare that you would need to have to have your car towed if you rely on the services of an automotive locksmith. In most cases a locksmith will come to wherever you are to administer the help that you need.
If you lose your transponder key this means that it could fall into the wrong hands. As long as someone has your keys they can, unfortunately, break into your vehicle and steal it. As soon as you have discovered that you no longer have your transponder key in your possession, contact our locksmiths and they will bring you another key. Once this one has been programmed, your old key will no longer work. This protects your vehicle from theft.
It is true that you can’t always predict when you’ll experience a problem with your transponder key but you can be prepared by knowing who you can rely on. We suggest that you have an extra transponder key to replace the other key. This seems like the most logical thing to do but it might surprise you to know that many motorists do not have a spare transponder key. It is true that a transponder key is more expensive than a standard car key. However, it is well worth having an extra one considering all that it has to offer you. Avoid the frustration of losing your transponder key or having it stolen without another one readily available. You can purchase a spare transponder key online or get one from a locksmith. Getting one from the dealership is not advisable since they will likely charge you far more. You don’t have to spend too much on a new transponder key when you know where to look. When you have any type of problems with your transponder key make sure you contact a locksmith who knows all that there is to know about transponder keys.